Our labels

Since opening, Pressoria has been operating under the label “Vignobles & Découvertes”, which translates roughly to “Vineyard & Discovery”.



What is the Vignobles & Découvertes label, exactly ?

The V&D label is a collective branding, granted every 3 years by Atout France, since 2009.

This brand’s image is reglemented and ruled by the Conseil Supérieur de l’Oenotourisme (High Council for Oenotourism).

This label mostly serves the main actors of the tourism and wine making sectors, such as landlords, restaurant owners and wine cellar owners.

By receiving this label, Pressoria finds itself included in a qualified offer for services, and facilitates the organization of our visitors’ trips.


Recently, Pressoria was also labelised “REMCI Vitis” by Iter Vitis.



Last December, Pressoria was chosen to participate in the official launch of REMCI Vitis: a programme built around the European cultural Route of Museums and Interpretation of wine and grapevine.

What is the REMCI Vitis label, exactly ?

REMCI Vitis is a cultural itinerary supported by the European Council. It is the first European cultural Route of Museums and Interpretation of wine and grapevine, promoting the values of vineyard heritage recognition and connection between different actors of the sector, so as to promote the oeno-cultural offer for service, using the “Iter Citis” identity.

This uniting brand offers visitors fulfilling and fun cultural experiments throughout the year.

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